Friday, November 28, 2008

holy shit


is the world really coming to a place where people are willing to kill in order to be able to go christmas shopping?
could they really not wait until 5:30 AM?


Mr. Skylight said...

That's why you do your shopping online, where the only way that can happen is if someone makes your computer do this:

Weaselbag said...

"People did not stop to help the employee as he lay on the ground, and they pushed against other Wal-Mart workers who were trying to aid the man."

Wal-Mart workers ≠ people?

On a serious note, that's absolutely ridiculous. There weren't enough police officers on duty to control the crowds at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, and B.J.'s?

Shame on you, Valley Stream, New York.