Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Because I'd Rather Be A Bacontrepreneur Than A Jewish Historian

Yoachanan Ben Zakkai, Yoachanan Ben Zakkai
I want to write about you-i cant, but Why?
There is so much else that i can learn about
Primarily foods that can give you gout
O Internet, you distract as much as you inform,
Gone from a luxury to a cruel social norm
Your Supplies of pages will never run dry,
Like Hamlet did, i just want to say Fie!
But as hard as i can possibly try,
my love for you will never die.
Yoachanan Ben Zakkai, I ask Why oh Why?
Why cant you compare with Bacon Apple Pie?


I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

Luckily, my old friend, you don't have to choose.

zekethejewishsatanist said...

I feel like there's enough bacon on this blog to justify spawning spinoff blog called "Bacontrepreneurs"


Bernice said...

oh we've totally become a bacon blog.