Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Oh Baby, Sneeze On Me.


all i can say is.... Awesome.

In a futile attempt to do further research, i came across a pornography website called "Sneezing Beauties"
The World/Internet/Science is awesome.


I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

I choose to believe that this post has gone uncommented because we're all too ashamed to admit our sneezing-at-orgasm problem.

I, for one, am bolstered by Bernice's courage. Time to end the silence! Together we can get this thing wiped. Blow it out of the water. And such.

My mom thinks I'm funny said...

I just sneezed.

And came.

Weaselbag said...

Orgasms are nothing to sneeze at.

Sorry for being such a wet towel.

S'not my fault, I was born that way.