the offspring of israel had separated themselves from all the alien people
Not the internet's best work.
I'm with WB. Internet never really got back on his feet after the guitarist's wife died though. Their first album was classic.
Naw, I prefer their new singer. The way he tweets on "Rockin' Robin'" really rocks, and the band has so many more music videos now. Besides, the first version of the band was all showmanship - some tits here, some tits there. No class. TOM GABEL STILL SUCKS THOUGH
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username: desserttickets password: bernice
Not the internet's best work.
I'm with WB. Internet never really got back on his feet after the guitarist's wife died though. Their first album was classic.
Naw, I prefer their new singer. The way he tweets on "Rockin' Robin'" really rocks, and the band has so many more music videos now. Besides, the first version of the band was all showmanship - some tits here, some tits there. No class.
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