It must really suck being a dentist. Even though they cause pain, inconvenience, and horrible, crippling fear that something bad will happen to our teeth (Dear God!), I've started to feel bad for them. Here's why (with some Funneccessary tamil translation).
Everyone Hates Seeing Them. (எவேர்யோனே ஹட்ஸ் தேம்)
Straight up, nobody likes going to the dentist. Period. aside from the Bill Murray character in Little Shop of Horrors, I have yet to ever hear of someone who actually enjoys the leather gloves, poking, and numbness juice. But really, we don't really have that much reason to. Orthodontists aside, those with a DDS are actually really looking out for our health. Things like root canals and impacted molars are actually things that can really fuck you up and need serious surgical work. These are some talented mofos, like you know, real doctors. But we'll get to them later. Fundamentally, being someone who is essentially universally hated because of their medical career choice must be horribly depressing. But, the problem goes further. How many times do you bet dentists have to deal with patients freaking out at the sight of something sharp? Especially pediatric ones? I remember when I was young I tried to make sure that the my trip to the dentist was the closest possible incarnation of hell on earth for myself, my parents, and the guy who was being paid to look after my health. I suppose part of me thought that if I made the dentist hate me enough, then he wouldn't let me back and I would live a life of blissful dental ignorance. Also, how much would it suck if, on top of everyone dreading to see you, you were taking SOMEBODY ELSE'S patients for the day? All of the mutual trust that the patient and his regular guy would entirely vanish, and you would be left with the patient who wants to see you even less because he doesn't know you, and is therefore assuming you are a bad dentist, constantly second guessing everything you do or say, and no doubt continually comparing you to the other guy. Not fair.
Ultimately, it just seems odd that society has so much against people who have to look in mouths all day for a living. It doesn't seem a stretch to me that most people would rather their actual doctor do a bunch of mysterious tests (Cough!) and "tell it like it is" than have a similarly dressed dude rub paste on a senseless part of your body. But who knows, maybe it's just the bibs.
Other professions as universally reviled as dentists: lawyers, investment bankers
Egyptian mummies found to have been killed by tooth abscesses: many
Amount I liked this post: a lot
I actually don't mind going to my dentist at all. Maybe it's because I have a pretty impenetrable dental immune system. Or that my mother has worked in that industry for nearly all my life and I've just grown up with it.
I guess I'm a minority.
Side note. Dentists have one the highest rates of suicide in all professions.
Fun Dental Hygeine Fact:
Tooth decay is an entirely man made medical malady. Until people invented bread there is no eveidence of tooth decay in human remains... there was some serious problems with cracked teeth from eating uncooked nuts and shit but, you know, that stuff happens when you live in a cave. Also ditto for cats and dogs. Dog food is like 95% bread, if you feed your dog raw meat it will not need a veterinary dentist... I do have a whole list of complaints about how my parents feed my dog raw meat but that can wait for another time.
bread = cavities...!
got one word 4 u: proctologist!
I've never had a problem with my dentist.
Well, except for when he left his wife for the dental hygenist. That wasn't very cool.
Is there something different about the people who become dentists that would explain why they choose such a loathed position? Obviously the money's good, but what kind of person develops a passion for teeth?
I've only known two dentists personally, and nothings stands out. One ran away with his dental assistant, and the other is one of the funniest men I've ever known.
Oh, Bernice, knower of dentistry, care to shed some light?
Nothings, yous guyses and galses. Nothings stands outs.
I was sitting in the dentist's chair today, thinking about this post. I tried to ask, but the only thing my dental hygienist said was "i'm focusing on pulling your gums apart with this sharp pokey thing. less talking, more bleeding"
yeah. tons of fun.
seriously though, i think i dislike the dentist because it implies a failure of personal hygiene. like if you had to go to a specialist to be hosed down every three months because you didn't shower well enough.
i mean..what the hell?.. i brush my teeth. i even floss. why must i bleed?
It's possible that some dentites actually do really care about teeth. Remember that little girl in the epilepsy ad who wanted to be a dentist "because smiles are important!"? It's my impression that my own dentist, Dr. W----, started out this way, before, like a passionate young elementary school teacher, losing faith and finding chain-smoking and conspicuous consumption (or, in Clarington recently, forbidden love?!).
A: Funny we don't feel that way about our GPs. It must be that we feel tooth care is simple enough that we can do it ourselves. That sentiment, of course, is bound up with our failure to respect the dental care industry. The health equivalent of walking through an art gallery and sniffing, "My eight-year-old could paint that." Hmmm.
Fun Dental Hygiene Fact II: Mark Hamill AKA Luke Skywalker had a long affair with his dental hygienist and, if memory serves, finally married her.
Luke, use the floss, or something.
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