Friday, February 13, 2009

Love: an original icgyabl sketch

Like any state of the mind, love is itself an construction of the mind. It cannot be easily built from nothing; it must have food and fuel to grow and to burn brightly. But all the same, if one waits for it to come upon him in a momentary flash, I am sure he will wait forever.

Love is never fallen into: it is only climbed up to. When we can climb hand in hand with our lovers, the slope is gentle and studded with picnic lunches; when we climb alone we are quite likely to lose our footing on the crag and fall. Nearing the summit we increase our passion: love is increased not by its object but by one's own interpretation and invention of his beloved, one step at a time.

May you climb always with a soft hand in yours.


Weaselbag said...

Harsh, ICGYABL. Harsh.


I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

I'm not sure I believe this, and I know I can write it better than this even if I don't. But I wanted to share it with you before it left my head.

Michelle Obama Has a Rabbi in the Family said...


"you can't fall off of a mountain"

- Darmha proverb or Jack kerouac or something