Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Dessert Tickets has opened. it is a forum which exists precisely for the purpose of itself, a blank canvas open to the work of a yet-to-be-determined number of people. As a collective we represent several things. This may sound obvious, since we are distinctly several people. some of us are similar, some different, but ideologically this space has the same meaning to all of us. It is a place for discussion, information, and communication, with one another and the external universe. We all say and do different things in different ways, and talk (write) about them in different manners. Therefore, in this space there will be information and opinions from a variety of sources, in a variety of styles, reflective of our personal philosophies, interests, and the grassroots organization that is the Dessert Tickets system.

Talking to the world is about countless things. there are ideas, sensitivities, and passions which influence people to say things, thats why we're here. we're to preach, baby.

1 comment:

I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

This is a great idea, Bernice (can we call each other by our codenames?)

Thinking about 18th-century salon culture the other day, I wondered with some plaint about why there isn't a comparable phenomenon online. Because our real-life conversations are always hobbled by the twin afflictions of speed (a feller can't hardly have a real thought and express it over coffee) and depravity (constructive criticism on Stephen's masturbatory technique is important but man cannot live on bread alone), the slowed-down parallelism of online conversations might fill a real niche for us. And for whoever else, as membership grows..?

Thus I celebrate in the birth and christening of Dessert Tickets; as a mysterious and cloudy-headed uncle I offer this advice which is a blessing: it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. Or, put another way, if I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution. Celebrate everything, always. Don't let the silly name throw you: fill this space with anything that interests you, because in the synthesis of all of us is the genesis of intellectual spirit which none of us can have alone. Also, it's a fact that anything with secret aliases is more fun than anything without.

Que viva Mingus, 甜品票思想万岁--
did you know the English call dessert 'pudding'?