Sunday, December 20, 2009

Housekeeping IV: A new hope


I've added this "rate posts" doohickey, and this retweet doohickey, for the sole reason that I thought they might be fun. If anyone objects to either one on moral, legal, or religious grounds, I'll be happy to get rid of it.

On that note, anyone have any fun ideas they'd like to see implemented? I thought about a "top comment-leavers" reel but kiboshed it cause I couldn't decided if "commenters" or "commentors" looked less stupid.



I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

ok the rating thing is annoying.

zekethejewishsatanist said...

i like this. twitter intergration lets me read this thing more.

My mom thinks I'm funny said...

A bit annoying, but whatever.

I'd like to see a new sub-headline. OKAY WE'RE BETTER THAN MOST DIRT I GET IT.

Weaselbag said...

Where is said rating thingy?

I don't really like having this twitter business sticking out like a sore thumb all over this pretty format of ours.

Weaselbag said...

"Chatter"'s good though.

I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

So awright--no ratings; I don't like the idea that any post is better than any other anyway. MF: can do. WB: I moved the tweety business a little out of the way. Better? Any other notions?