Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'm sorry.

Here you go folks, another game to take up hours of your time.

ICGYABL, Raymond, and I have wasted many an hour on "Clockwords Prelude" today. It's a typing game.

ICGYABL is the master, currently at level 29 and climbing. I couldn't make it past level 21.

Let me know how you do.


Weaselbag said...

My high scoring word was worth 289. ICGYABL stopped at level 34, but only because he grows weary. He hasn't lost or anything like that.

I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...


zekethejewishsatanist said...

people are staring at me now. this does not bode well for my reputation...or my paper.

Bernice said...

this was our 250th post.

Go figure.