Saturday, December 12, 2009

DT presents: Important Proteins in Cancer that are also Related to Music!!!


  • Popular indie band alleged to have given Bernice a cookie once, short for management
  • Important DNA repair protein and tumor suppressor, short for O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase


  • Reggae record label
  • Potent oncogene implicated in a large proportion of human cancers. Kinase located upstream in many signalling pathways


  • The Music for Young Children program
  • Potent oncogene that stimulates proliferation and DNA damage among other things


  • Seminal Swiss rap group, known to perform with a full funk band backing them
  • Inhibitor of CDKs important to cell cycle progression. Subcellular localization has been tied to prognosis.


  • Polish record label. Short for Metal Mind Productions (robots!!!!!)
  • Short for matrix metalloproteinase. Important protein in metastasis, cleaves basement membrane fibers releasing growth factors and clearing space. Secreted from tumor associated macrophages and transformed epithelial cells.


  • Rapper from Minneapolis
  • C2H2 transcription factor. Down regulates E-cadherin. Implicated in cancer, probably through EMT.

Functional Death Receptor:

  • Metal band from Green Bay. Claim to mix heavy metal with death metal as well as doom metal. Check out their Myspace!!!
  • working cell receptor that binds ligands triggering apoptosis. Loss of function can lead to cancer.


  • Imporvisational music group with weirdly extensive wikipedia page
  • The gaurdian of the whole fuckin' genome! Probably the most important tumor supressor in the biz. Controls a wide variety of processes inculding apoptosis and progression through the cell cycle

Coincidence? I think not.

In other news the guy beside me in the library has been stroking his chubby girlfriend's enormous ass for the entire amount of time it took me to right this. What is up with that?


Michelle Obama Has a Rabbi in the Family said...

Oh, and Apoptosis is also a band (as well as being the term for programmed cell death) but they are not nearly as funny as Functional Death Receptor.

Bernice said...

it was a good cookie, the lead singer's mom apparently made them.
in other news, i once saw some dude shove his hand down his foxy girlfriends cleavage in CLASS once. he totally grabbed boobie, squeezed, then reached around and squeezed her ass, and then they made out. it was hypnotic.

Weaselbag said...

I trust you immediately ordered the man this shirt?

Weaselbag said...

Elvis Thrust said...

This is phenomenal. It has in fact only further intimidated me from making my first post here. I thought, driving back up from my family trip-cum-prison sentence, that I had something when I started to compare rappers to famous people in literature, but stopped after realizing that Lil Wayne was F. Scott Fitzgerald (both underrated in their time (the early 2000s/his entire life) before become famous after doing an impossible amount of illegal substances/doing an impossible amount of illegal substances and dying; Fitzgerald was married to a woman improbably named Zelda, while Weezy is improbably married to an attractive woman. Plus I could totally see Lil' Wayne re-nicknaming himself Weezy f. Scott, instead of Weezy f. Baby.)