Passing by an EB today, I remembered that the card had been taking up space in my pocket almost every day for the past year and a half, so I stopped in and asked how much money was on this dirty old gift card.
Turns out I've been carrying around a hundred bucks in video games for a year and a half.
Since returning to the T-Dot from my formerly gregarious lifestyle of Maritime university friends and Quebecois high school friends, I've been able to literally feel the loneliness seep into my life. I recognize this feeling: I lie in bed until just after 12:00, I run the few errands I've set aside for that day, maybe perusing the city's many ludicrous fashion stores and revel in the disgust I can't help but feel when looking at mannequins wearing silly and colourful clothes worth more than my rent.
With any luck I'll start work soon, , but that won't fill the gap created upon leaving my cozy Halifax nook. Maybe I took for granted the ability to call any number of my friends and take the five-minute walk down to the Wardy for a $2.50 Keiths, but the knowledge that I could was what stripped me of the social void I fall into every summer.
That's what kills me: I know this feeling. Every summer, for as long as I can remember, I spend time alone in my basement, replaying old Zelda games, renting four movies a week, spending heinous amounts of time on Facebook. Wishing I could bring myself to read all the books I've been telling myself I ought to read, only to find that my copious lethargy makes me immune to sitting still and concentrating for longer than ten minute intervals. I get so clinically lazy that I can't bring myself to do something that requires any sort of disciplined investment.
I'm not depressed, just aimless.
I bought six video games today, all used, sort of on a whim--short of buying Rock Band for absolutely no reason, I figured it was the best use of the hundred dollars. I could feel my summer degenerating into arthritis as he told me I had $15 remaining on the card.
This post turned out indulgently long only because I've literally nothing else to do. (I played two of the six games already; I'm just taking a break.)
Granted, I finished university a bit earlier than almost all of my friends; I anticipate the shared two-fours and Banquet Specials that will inevitably precede shouting "BRUUUUCE!" in a car to Manchester, TN. This summer will not be horrendous, and I know I have friends here.
Mostly, I'm just fucking bored.
...what games?
ah, fuck it i will see it next week when i return to the big smoke
Phantasy Star, Zelda: Four Swords, Geist, Splinter Cell (for five bucks), Final Fantasy; Crystal Chronicles and Odama, a ridiculous RTS/pinball game that I'm selling because I need a microphone to play it. Seriously.
I may also buy Custom Bobo for five smackaroos, or Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg.
Learn to play those freakin harmonicas already.
"With any luck I'll start work soon, but that won't fill the gap created upon leaving my cozy Halifax nook."
beautiful pun.
i agree with icgyabl.
I guess that was a callous response to your unusually explicit cry for help.
I'll be home soon, baby. Hang in there.
Okay let me break this one down how i see it.
Right now, I am at school. It's 9 in the morning and I've been here for over an hour. I might give me right nut at this point for a few more hours of sleep each night (assuming I would get it back upon waking up)(cause who needs that when you're sleeping, right?), but I haven't seen that in a month.
That feeling you get every time you leave the Fax! I know it well. perhaps too well, and this is why I sympathize. this feeling has been eating it's way through my soul for four months now.
but I can't feel too badly for you, and I will tell you why; I've been getting very excited these past few weeks cause it's been over TWO YEARS since I've felt the excitement of standing in front of the Great Deku Tree, as he slowly opens opens his mouth, and you know that this is the beginning of something beautiful, or The rush of jumping over the stone gates of Lon Lon ranch, freeing your beautiful mare from a life of slavery. The fear of walking into the infinite room, covered in a thin pool of water, deep within the water temple, knowing the door on the other side is merely a mirage, and you will soon face the most difficult task you will come to know: the fight against yourself. And the joy and laughter from finally accomplishing something so much more gratifying then any scholastic endeavor. 5 temples, 3 caverns, 1 castle, 9 bosses, 36 pieces of harts! and so so so much more!!! needless to say i just made a mess in my pants.
I think I got side tracked....
what was I trying to say again...
oh bother. I guess I should just get back to studying.
Hm... That shadow temple boss was pretty sick.
That whole game was pretty sick.
You're right, dude.
I am a new man.
One word:
Raging, my friend, raging. You've got to party so hard that you can't bear to waste another minute doing stupid shit.
You can't spend half your time half-assed partying and half your time half-assed working. The sum of the parts ends up less than the whole (Hint: the whole is going balls deep on both). It's like the opposite of kidneys, where only one can do the work of two.
Trust me.
By the way, thanks for spoiling the fucking fun for everybody who still can't find that god damn last key in the water temple, Terry Collier.
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