Gearing up to my last few classes of the semester I was really excited. The obvious reason, no more classes. I no longer have to wake up at the break of dawn (admittedly, my first class is at 10:30, but thats still difficult for me). I no longer have to worry about furiously taking notes so I don't miss anything (for the record, I hate all you science kids who don't have to worry about this) and I get a little break from the mind numbing routine. So you would think I was really happy when I walked out of my last class today. But I wasn't. I wasn't overjoyed, I didn't jump up and down. It wasn't becuase I still had to hand in a term paper, becuase I could have jumped up and down after doing that. I just felt empty. Something was defenitly missing. Then, I realised what it was. No christmas party.
I would like to state first and foremost, I hated elemntary school. I hated everything about it and not only did I not look forward to going everyday, but I woke up sick to my stomache becuase I HAD to go. Except right before christmas. The week befor was always so much fun because you did less and less work and everyone knew they would be free soon. The best part of all? The christmas party. The last day before winter break everyone brought in snacks (why do all my childhood memories revolve around snacks?) we would play christmas music (by the way, in case anyone was wondering, this little half Jew does indeed have a favourite christmas cd) and watch a christmas movie (though no one would agree with me that yes, Die Hard is a christmas movie and we should watch it over some other sugery christmas movie-becuase its just better). Sitting around a dirty classroom eating cookies watching movies knowing that for the next two weeks you had no homework, no math class, no annoying teachers and you didn't have to see those people you jus couldn't stand (so for me...all but like 4). I loved this day. So when I left my last class, I just felt empty becuase it didn't have the same feelings. Possibly becuase I am not actually done school, I have exams to study for (which I should be doing now). The end of school without the christmas party is just not the same. I wish I had a really good phrase to tie this memory up. But I don't. All I can say, no christmas party? Thats balls.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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Dude, you are so totally right. There was some jerk yelling "LAST DAY OF CLASSES BLAHAHGHAGAH" and blowing this loud horn tube around campus today, and I just hated him. And then I felt sad because--I don't feel any of that end of class, tearing pages out of books, orgiastic Dionysian joy I seem to recall seeing in a movie once (Dazed and Confused? Fast Times? One of those).
But now that I think about it, I expect that's just because I haven't really been working that hard all semester, and spent the whole summer in school. Huh.
The point is, I'm down for Die Hard. Name a day and I'll be there.
OK Die Hard is definitely a christmas movie.
and just which Christmas cd would that be?
"Who's anonymous?"
-The Kid
P.S. It's me
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