They're the infamous "God Hates Fags" cult. They attend military funerals in protest, suggesting that the soldiers' deaths are God's way of punishing "gay America", sharing slogans such as "God Killed Your Sons" and "Pray For More Dead Soldiers". They claim that any terrorist act is an act of God, an act of His punishment. They danced at a funeral for victims of a mine collapse, happy that God was enacting "revenge against America for its tolerance of homosexuality".
They plan to be in Uxbridge on Friday, December 12th, protesting Uxbridge Secondary School's production of the play "The Laramie Project", a play about the murder of an openly gay University student. According to the WBC, The Laramie Project "is a tawdry bit of banal fag melodrama" who's "only purpose is to promote sinful, soul-damning sodomy by playing on the sick, maudlin emotions of doomed, g
Realistically, I don't expect this cult to either make it across the border or to really care enough to come all the way to Uxbridge, but they certainly intend on it. They call on "Canadian canabilistic [sic] parents" to find God and denounce the play, but preach that Canada is "DOOMED".
First there are skinheads in New Brunswick, and now there are WBC protests in Uxbridge?
Oh, woe is Canada.
The Westboro Church would also point out that God also hates Islam, Judaism, and Sweden.
If this doesn't have you all riled up, watch the video on the Sweden site. A choir sings a song called "God Hates the World", and the video finishes off with a little girl - who would be cute under all other circumstances - solo singing the chorus.
i doubt theyd be let in to the country
that stuff's illegal up here.
i find it interesting that to "activism" like this theres almost no response that you or i could give. its not like theyre going to listen to anyone who points out their wrongs, and the likelihood of any of that phelps family stopping their signage is virtually zero, no matter what the world throws at them.
You could fight one.
I stand corrected - they made it up to Brock High School last year, which is further north and even smaller than Uxbridge Secondary. They'll probably be here as of Friday.
We should stage a rival protest.
But ICGYABL, I hate hate-haters!
This'd be a fun anti-protest too.
The mother of a girl from my high school was held at gun point in Toronto. Feeling unsafe, she packed the kids up and moved the family to Uxbridge...with her female partner. Bet she didn't see this one coming.
They need this guy:
I'm not so sure if his "OMG KOREA" antics would bubble to the surface here in Uxbridge like they do in Gran Torino.
Total population, according to the 2006 census: 19,075.
Caucasian: 18,635. 97.6%.
Korean: 0. 0%.
i should let you know.. the protesters made it in to toronto and the main lady leading the pointless trip she did an interview with a radio station when they got in to torono yet they didnt show up at my high school only anti- protest protesrors showed up.!
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