Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Men at Work: Down Under

And men, you thought inadequacy was a just middle aged plight.

Studs of the Animal World: An August conference presentation by a University of Central Florida researcher touted the frolicking, profligate mating of male South African squirrels, enhanced, the researcher hypothesized, by the fact that "they're hung." The typical proportional equivalency for human male genitals, she said, would be 13 inches. [New Scientist, 8-15-08]

Indiana University researchers reported in September that male Australian dung beetles differ from U.S. dung beetles in that evolutionary diversion of nutrients has given the Australians small horns but large penises and the Americans the opposite. Thus, noted the researchers, big-horned American males tend to fight each other for females, while Australians rely more on sneakiness. [New Scientist, 9-6-08]

The next time you lose a girl to a cute guy with an accent, just remember boys, there's a dung beetle who has too.


zekethejewishsatanist said...

those aussies definitely do know what's up i'll have to agree. they got gaaaame!

Mr. Skylight said...

My solution was to get Dr. Alan Stern's "Acting with an Accent- Australia" audiobook. In your face, foreign guys.

I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

Dokter I. C. Gyable is everyday attrakt meny gorgeious fimale-tyeps viz hiz seksuel aksench!! Appel-ophone or emit an elektric mails to become receeving of handbook "Viz Dokter Gyable Attrakting Gorgeious Fimale-Tyeps for Non-Foreyn Male-Tyeps!"

Mr. Skylight said...

Just to clarify, I meant the solution to competing with foreign guys.

Not the solution to any other kind of inadequacy.

Bernice said...

gentlemen, remember.
Everywhere but here, WE'RE the foreign guys!

bet that kicked the door open to your mind, huh?


zekethejewishsatanist said...

Yeah, but we're the lame foreign guys from the 51st state of america.

true story.