We've inexplicably synthesized our thoughts, feelings, and influences, somehow spat them into a small taupe box, and seen them take new life in this space, growing like the little plant we all wished we knew how to take care of. Fact is however, this little experiment of ours is not just any plant, but more like the chia pet who grows not up, but in all furry directions.
And this chia pet is turning 100.
This particular silly passage marks Dessert Ticket's ascension into the blogosphere's century club. Despite traditional responsibilities such as family, friends, lovers, and work up the wazoo, we've managed to keep our little buddy from going brown and brittle.

There are countless times we could have been, should have been, doing more important things, but instead, each and every one of us has chosen to spend at least some time here, where our internet boxes are in sync.
We should all be proud of ourselves, and continue spinning our own twisted brands of science like it ain't no thang, cause it actually is a thang. And quite a thang at that.
And that's what makes it sweet.
Us here at DT HQ love the ability to open the same page every day and see something new, something unique, something consistently fascinating, and we love all 19 (19!) of you others for that.
And to the reader dude from Cleveland--rock on. Go visit the Hall of Fame for us.
We're doing great, team; keep up the inspirational blither.
"Consistency is the Hobgoblin of little minds" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you for your continued support of Dessert Tickets,
Love to All God's Chilluns,
ICGYABL and Bernice.
"Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"
Common misquote
It's been 9 months. Where's the baby?
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