Sunday, October 19, 2008


I'm getting a tiny bit fed up with my body.
This is not to say that I think I'm ugly or want a new ass or anything like that.
But on Friday morning, I had a bad hangover.
the worst hangover I've ever had. It was horribly depressing. it was slightly saved by the fact that i got to discuss a rudimentary Xena Warrior Princess with the friend from afar for grades, but it kinda sucked nonetheless.

i had a smoothie, which was delicious, but six dollars to make me feel better.
not even it could help.

whats happening to me?
seemingly i used to regularly destroy myself with liquor and greasy food and it only made me feel better.
i want that back. tomorrow night, when i drank, im going to drink hard.
a pact. to rid myself of hangovers and bad mornings by drinking them all away. (after midterms, of course)

who's with me


zekethejewishsatanist said...

i've drank maybe four times in the last month, gotten drunk maybe once. dunno.


The Kid said...

...drink water.