I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that we don’t see of enough of each other. The royal “you,” that is.
I think we’ve all come to realize that this year is different than last. We’ve left the incubator of Upper Rez and on are on to bigger and better things. We’ve got real mailing addresses, morning papers, grocery lists, methods of transportation (be it bicycles, scooters, metro passes or our unlucky two feet), phone bills, and the weight of the new semester’s text books.
Our days are maybe less scheduled. We’ve got classes to attend but no 6:00pm dinner to catch. Or, maybe, we’ve got a tight timetable, living breathlessly between extra-curricular meetings and library hours.
Most obviously, though, we don’t have the same proximity to one another that we used to. Keeping up tabs is easy when it means walking a matter of feet to say hello. It’s a different game when a couple miles and incompatible courseloads are keeping you apart.
And, like the Kid rightly reminded us, we don’t have BMH (or dessert tickets) to keep us in constant check anymore. Dinner was, if anything, a simple reminder of our continual presence and affection. Regardless of whatever academic responsibility was eating at time, BMH was always a necessary period to slow down and recharge, acting as a daily and, in retrospect, effortless interaction.
This kind of shit was important.
Maybe I’m alone here, but I certainly suffer from an inability to keep up the same sort of habits that BMH so easily lent. I’d like to think otherwise, but, when push comes to shove, I have a tendency to be scattered -- maybe even flighty. Some of you might have noticed this.
And, to make matters worse, I’ve come to grave realization that I’m not, in fact, super human. Not for lack of trying, I just can’t be in 2, 3, 4 (or, really, any number past one) places at once. Maybe you know what I’m talking about.
Basically, what I mean to say is that I still like you (yes, all of you). In fact, I really like you.
While it may be true for a lot of things, “out of sight, out of mind” does not apply here. While we may be busy with new friends, new homes, new responsibilities, new hobbies, and new life declarations, I’d like to think we all carry a little piece of each around. And, whether or not if it's always materialized in a phone call or house visit, I’m certainly have you all in mind.
Maybe this doesn’t need saying. Maybe we’re all confident enough in our friendships not to need this sort of affirmation and be satisfied without little reminders. But I sure like to hear, and hopefully know, that I still matter to those I love. Or, at the very least, still take up space in their consciousness. So, whether or not you need it, here’s validation that I’m thinking of you. Of everyone.
Keep it real, kids.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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those "little reminders" = life... Don't underestimate that.
The Rabbi is right. It's a sin to leave these things unsaid.
Thank you for putting what I think we all feel into such sweet words.
Also--I think there's a solution, or at least part of one: more planning. We have to shift from spontaneous-pop-in friendship to planned outing, or dinner guest, or whatever, friendship. Acknowledge that our lives are hectic and scheduled and geographically dispersed, and use advance planning to help make bridges.
Like grown-ups. Sigh.
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