Monday, October 27, 2008

Overheard at Mcgill

Guy 1: You know what would be awful?
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: Getting pneumonia.
Guy 2: Yeah?
Guy 1: I mean what if some homeless chick spits in your mouth.

(10/27/2008 Arts Lounge)


Bernice said...

i often spit in peoples mouths, and get spit into.
but never a hobo.
never, ever a hobo.

Michelle Obama Has a Rabbi in the Family said...

I agrizzle, spit is meant to be swapped. But I actual found the strangest part to be that he specified the gender of the hobo. As if his tenious sexuality was at stake if a male hobo had spat in his mouth instead of a female one.

Weaselbag said...

Did you know that Fred Astaire died of pneumonia? Jim Henson? Pavarotti? The list goes on.

Apparently a group of "anarchist street bitches" (I'm paraphrasing here) had been throwing garbage at guy number one and his friends in front of Bifteck. Guy number one responded by yelling and screaming and them, so "some homeless chick" spat in his face.

Guy number two? Yours truly.

Michelle Obama Has a Rabbi in the Family said...

sigh... context ruins everything, especially being unnecessarily judgmental of strangers. It's still a pretty funny sentence though.