Come, loyal followers, sit upon this erudite knee as I regale tales of a boardwalk supreme, a place where courtesy, decorum, and class are swapped in favour of hair gels and Ed Hardy T-shirts. A place where lite beer flows as fresh as the water it takes like, where you're just as likely to find a skinny bitch on the rag (that's vodka, club soda, and cranberry juice) as you are to find a skinny bitch on the rag (that's an emaciated... you get it). I'm talking about the pure, blissful genius that is MTV's Jersey Shore.
It's eight people sharing a beach house in the land of the Jovi, all hoping to have the ultimate Jersey summer, filled with boozin' and bangin' . This shit is beyond reality TV. It's unreality tv, because who had any stinkin' clue that this place, like this, actually existed? I'm learning more about the world, plain and simple, exposing myself to new cultures and new ideologies all at once. I've seen the future, and it has a fake tan and a stupid nickname. This, my friends, is Guido.
This week, "Guidette" Angelina's home-girls Alana and Elena swung by the shore to visit, which led her to skip out on her job at the custom t-shirt store as she dealt with the fight she had with her married boyfriend. Get the picture?
DJ Pauly D, of the pierced wang and italian flag tattooed across his back, has been hooking up with fake-tittied J-Woww. Yes, her name is J-Woww.
Muscleman Ronnie has been hooking up with Sam Sweetness or something like that, who's right on the verge of kinda-hot (the delightful upper-limit of the girls on the show). Sweetness was previously hooking up with Mike, who calls himself "The Situation", in some reference to his abs that I can't even begin to understand. Ronnie and Sam just had a really adorable date. At least, adorable for the Jersey Shore.
There's also a Slate-dubbed "unfortunate little person" called "Snookie", whose obnoxious attention seeking is compounded by her addiction to pickles and drunk-to-the-verge-of-barfing-like-a-freshman guidos, one of whom spat out the immortal line "i think we're on the same page". It was his only one of the episode. Speaking of Snookie, I know from the season preview that there's an episode in which she gets punched in the face. I can't wait for it. That's how low I've sunken.
And then we have Vinny, who really doesn't contribute as much as the rest, but once he got in a fight at a club. That was kinda cool. Go Vinny.
It occurs to me that I could, and probably should, make this incoherent rambling into some sort of observation on modern reality television and the numbing of North America's collective brain. Thanks, MTV. But I'm going to end that preachy shit right there, because I'm really damn glad this show exists. Am I going to try and be Guido? Fuck no, our knight Thug Wrangler fills those crisco'd shoes quite smoothly, thank you very much, although I can only dream of one day being able to look directly in to a camera lens and espouse "fuck it, it's the fuckin' jersey shore! what do you expect?". I love it because it reminds me of two important things. 1. the outside world exists, and there are some really entertaining real people in it. 2. I am much better than them, and it's fun to know that. they are all selfish, manipulative, and I would pay never to speak to them in person. Yes, I understand the irony of exploiting them on television for my own entertainment. But, if that's wrong, I don't wanna be right. Besides, I'm three deep already. No way I'm turning back.
One last observation: Whenever the tanned unite to make a spitoon of one another, a female hand is always raised to the camera, attempting to block the view of the actual act, as if we can't tell that theyre doing the tongue-dance. Tough shit sister, this is my damn entertainment.
Friday, December 11, 2009
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it occurs to me that this is pretty much exactly what i wrote, just much better.
I've concluded that idiotic programming is essential to human survival. I myself have started watching curling, just to see some ugly Canadians yelling "WOAH! STEVE! WOAH!" at other ugly Canadian guys.
As a former sociology major and consequent authority on sociols, I should like to investigate this phenomenon of "the Jersey shore". When's it on?
i should have said this in the post
you can watch it on
it's stunning.
a trainwreck, but stunning nonetheless.
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