Monday, November 2, 2009

What I call well-timed procrastination

Taken from his Wikipedia page:

On November 1, 2009, Abdullah decided to quit the runoff election that would have taken place six days later, on November 7.[2] He did, however, win the secondary "Guy With The Coolest Name In The Whole Damn World" competition. [citation needed]

But then I refreshed, and it disappeared forever.



Anonymous said...

Name formats I do not trust:

1) Two first names (different): e.g., Ron Paul; Paul Martin.

2) Two last names (different or the same): e.g., Robinson Crusoe; Jackson Pollack

3) Last name and first name both colours: Red Green

Weaselbag said...

Clearly Wikipedia has forgotten about my ol' IDS prof., Pushkar P. Pushkar.