Monday, September 28, 2009

When You're A Dentist, Or: Slate is Stealing Our Ideas

Do you guys remember, way, way back in the emotional and meteorological wasteland known as "February" when I posted this?

That was a long time ago.
For a refresher, I wrote about all of the things that went through my head at the dentist, leading to a positively thrilling discussion in which we all talked about our fears of dentists, teeth, and poor hygiene, exposing how we REALLY felt about the dentites.
Well, it seems that over the next seven days (From Yesterday to Oct 5), June Thomas of Slate Magazine is doing exactly that.
However closely Thomas's writing will mirror our discussion is yet to be seen, but just for fun I think I'll follow it and post my thoughts or analysis here. You know, to get the blog back up and running and providing you all that shit we're (not at all) famous for.

Slate used to be a wonderful magazine (and when I say used, I mean like two, three months ago).
Yet, for whatever reason, it seems lately to be riding a serious wean away from my interests. Now it's very strange (and perhaps a sign of something, god knows what) to see them devoting a week-long series to something I was interested in nine months ago. Perhaps this will bring me back, perhaps it will not.

We'll see June Thomas, God Speed.