Thursday, August 6, 2009


BadAss Beard
BadAss Name
BadAss Peacelover
and he "lives in the woods with his woman and his daughter"

Gunnar Rosenquist from Gothenburg, Sweden - Certified Bad.Ass.

and you just know this guy kisses on the FIRST DATE. He is everything I've ALWAYS wanted to be. So how does he do it DAMNIT!?

Is it the APPLE SHAMPOO? A steady diet of TOAST AND BANANAS? Is this proof that ALIENS EXIST? Or is it just the STORY OF A LONELY GUY?

I know there are many out there who might see this prefession as PATHETIC. But as I am currently a struggling beardsman myself, I've gotta say I am really FEELING THIS.

To any and all, who found my post BORING.
I'M SORRY! - But just in case I wasn't quite OBVIOUS enough, I'd like you all to know that, concerning THE ROCK SHOW tomorrow night, I am extremely ENTHUSED.


I Can't Give You Anything but Love said...

All the small things about this post really made it a fun kind of party song, something like an anthem, or maybe a roller coaster.

Terry Collier said...

Thank you david. I'd try to throw in a few more, but I'm leaving asap to go sleep outside the bell center, ensuring i will be close enough to impregnate travis at the show tomorrow.