Monday, March 30, 2009

list of movies i'm looking forward to more than 'crank 2'

1. Where the Wild Things Are

trailer here

holy fucking shitsicles. look at it (in HD). cinematography looks fantastic. it's genuine. it's real. it has potential to weird the hell out of small children. the wild things are physical puppets made by the henson company.the kid looks like a perfect max. the aesthetic is great. hope the rest of the movie is as good as it looks. it looks like they're staying true to the feel of the book. also, it's spike jonze.

2. ...

oh wait, that's it.


octopus finds new furniture said...

... i guess #2 would be 'moon' with sam rockwell.

Bernice said...

i'd put "the year one" and "fast and furious" both close, but not actually more than crank 2

anything with mclovin is worth seeing in my book