Thursday, September 18, 2008

In light of the recent Sarah Palin craze, I decided to investigate the age old belief that height and to a lesser extent, physical attractivness, are directly correlated to an individual's success. I mean who wouldn't want a former "People's Magazine: Sexiest Man" running one of the most influential countries in the world should he choose to run.

On paper Palin could have exactly what it takes to win a crowd over, humour, style, former daytime televison actress looks, and an easy teenage daughter. John McCain's daughter, Meaghan, who has been known to spend time with Republican Heidi Montag, has gone as far as to describe Palin as 'really chill'.

I guess my question is, does Palin have what it takes? Are her looks enough to run for office and subsequently run a country?

Historically, at least in the good old days of American history, a perfectly coiffed moustache seems to be all that was needed. 10 of 12 Presidents from Lincoln to Taft sported a stache, but what about their Vice Presidents?

The Vice Presedential counterparts seemed to emulate their leader yet manage to be slightly more attractive than their leader. Evidenced by Spiro Agnew (how could he swindle the American public?) and Richard Nixon (ew). Charles Dawes and Calvin Coolidge are another example, although Coolidge is likely one of the least frightening looking American Presidents. This may be due to the fact that when many of the other presidents were elected, the only time they got their picture taken was after death.

Taking a step into the global perspective, how about leaders around the world and furthermore successful female politicians. When you see Elizabeth May, the current leader of the Green Party of Canada, does her presence scream future Prime Minister?

When looking at the current presidential candidates (and there spouses) there is no doubt that this is a very attractive election year in general. Obama and McCain each have very attractive wives, Obama's a cutie himself and there's something to be said about seeing a man in uniform. So does it come down to Vice Presidents? If so Sarah Pallin could very well be the deciding factor.

So now, on the cusp of election night, just maybe we'll know for sure.

I'm sorry this post is not complete, I still want to investigate other female leaders around the world and the fact that with the exception of Bush Jr. historically the taller candidate is victorious. Alas, I'm out of time.

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