Sunday, August 30, 2009

Um, hey...

I know it's been a while since we've talked....

But I just wanted to say that I still love, from the bottom of my heart.....

COOKIES. Also class starts tomorrow. Expect to see me back here and then. Stay classy DT.

- The artist formerly known as Zeke.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

airport security

i am sitting in the airport, eating lunch, waiting for my flight home.  I sat down next to a tv so i could watch the news-CNN.   I turn to the TV and see that CNN is not there-rather, poker.  I look to the next tv in the woldgang puck I am sitting in-all the tv's have now turned to poker.  I can only assume there has been a plane crash somewhere and they do not want people to freak out.


Thursday, August 6, 2009


BadAss Beard
BadAss Name
BadAss Peacelover
and he "lives in the woods with his woman and his daughter"

Gunnar Rosenquist from Gothenburg, Sweden - Certified Bad.Ass.

and you just know this guy kisses on the FIRST DATE. He is everything I've ALWAYS wanted to be. So how does he do it DAMNIT!?

Is it the APPLE SHAMPOO? A steady diet of TOAST AND BANANAS? Is this proof that ALIENS EXIST? Or is it just the STORY OF A LONELY GUY?

I know there are many out there who might see this prefession as PATHETIC. But as I am currently a struggling beardsman myself, I've gotta say I am really FEELING THIS.

To any and all, who found my post BORING.
I'M SORRY! - But just in case I wasn't quite OBVIOUS enough, I'd like you all to know that, concerning THE ROCK SHOW tomorrow night, I am extremely ENTHUSED.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is a Poke the new pigtail pull?

What the fuck is a facebook poke?

I received my first facebook poke a while back and thought nothing of it. It was from this dude who used to make fun of me in elementary school so I assumed he just hit w button my accident or something. I received my second facebook poke a couple days ago from a friend I know and work with. Since then I have been trying to figure out what it is. It was explained it is just like soemone poking me, getting my attention. Well thats just weird. Why? well, for starters, the pokes are displayed way down the bottom of the facebook home page. The only way I am going to see it is if I am scrolling down to see which one of my friends have a birthday. I should clarify that by "friend" i mean someone i care enougn about to put the effort into wiriting happy birthday on their wall, but not a close enough friend to already know their birthday (these people merrit phone calls). The only other way I am going to see it is if I am reading everything on my news feed and get far enough down the line to see it. Which only happens in conferences and now at work when I have shit else to do. So I don't see how its getting my attention.

So I wonder, is it the new flirting? a sly way to joke around, let me know they are thinking of me without being too...obvious, or whatever to write a wall post. Is it like the old school, I pull your pigtails becuase I like you but Im too scared/immature to actually say anything? I cannot imagine how, as i mentioned earlier, the first poke was from a kid that used to seriously bully me.

I write this post not becuase I have not written anything in forever and I would like to to start but honestly have nothing to say

I write this this post not becuase I am bored and have shit all to do

I write this post purely becuase I am genuinely curious about the purpose of a poke. What should one take away form being poked? what is the appropriate response?

...and also cause im bored and hvae shit else to do and didnt think anyone would want to hear my Katherine heigal/megan fox/movies of today rant