Since I got out here, I've made a point of checking up on DT at least once a week, to see if the Party in its wisdom had changed its mind about blocking blog sites. Today, June 25 (nearly a month after the last post), I got in. I felt like Matthew Broderick in War Games. Yes! I cracked the system! Now that decadent, buttery feeling can be mine again. WWIII also a possibility.
I walked into a Starbucks yesterday, just to do some studying, and as soon as I crossed the threshold I was transported. Not to my home town, although there are Starbuxes aplenty--but to the one on Maisonneuve at Union, by the KPMG tower. I don't think I've ever been inside, but I know in my bones that's where I was teleported to. Now, it's peculiar that I went to Montreal rather than the city I used to call home. It's also strange that I didn't teleport to a more familiar Starbucks in the same city. Now that I think of it, it's weird that it was open at 3:30 AM EST.
I hope someone's out there. I miss you guys.